Welcome to Advent of AI 2023!

Advent of AI is an Advent Calendar with AI Art challenges.

Inspired by SeptembAIr, Genuary and Advent of Code, all worth checking out!


Challenges can be done using any generative AI tools.

Use descriptions from each day to generate something using AI.

Include #AdventOfAI when posting so everyone can find your work, Have Fun!

Links to Tools & Resources available below.

Day #1:Mix 3 or more species to create a new animal. (Example: "Kitten Flamingo Zebra")

Day #2:Only use 2 words in your prompt. (Example: "Candy Ice Ice Candy Candy Candy Ice Ice Ice Candy")

Day #3:Numbers only! (Example: "00000 123123123 999999")

Day #4:5 letter prompt only. (Example: "found")

Day #5:Use text from a random Wikipedia article. (Try https://wikiroulette.co or Getting to Philosophy)

Day #6:Make an imaginary world based on the next object you see.

Day #7:Take 3 trending hashtags on social media and use them in your prompt.

Day #8:Draw or paint something and generate AI Art from it.

Day #9:Make it glow! Generate glowing, shining and sparkling elements in the image.

Day #10:Create Abstract Art without using the word "Abstract", any shape descriptors or real artist names.

Day #11:Emojis only when prompting. (Example: πŸ¨β„οΈπŸ½οΈ)

Day #12:Create a dish of invented food that doesn't exist, it might be edible?

Day #13:Use 3 different AI programs to generate a single output. (Example: DALL-E + MidJourney + Deforum)

Day #14:Create an imaginary Vehicle.

Day #15:Generate a hand with 5 fingers.

Day #16:Go outside and take a photo, use that photo in your creation.

Day #17:Create art inspired by a song.

Day #18:Reflect on the last year in one image.

Day #19:Negative prompting only! Empty Positive prompt.

Day #20:Create an Animation that includes something to travel through. (Examples: tunnel, vortex, portal, tube, wave)

Day #21:Create art from a randomly generated prompt. (Take random unrelated words from dictionaries, articles and conversations to make a prompt! Tools exist for this, or you could create your own!)

Day #22:Generate an image that is difficult to tell if it was created using AI.

Day #23:Stick to a specific color palette.

Day #24:Pick a reference image, without using the image directly in img2img or other methods, write a prompt to get as close as possible to the reference.

Day #25:Create an image with readable text.

Tools & Resources: